About Us
About Dr. Jeevan Silwal
Dr. Jeevan Silwal is the first and only pediatric neurologist in North Bengal region and entire north eastern states. He completed his MD Pediatrics from prestigious Wadia children’s & KEM hospital, Mumbai. He did his pediatric neurology and epilepsy training from Amrita institute of medical sciences(AIMS), Kochi, Kerala which is a premiere institute and advance pediatric epilepsy center.
He deals with pediatric epilepsy, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, speech delay, autism, ADHD, childhood headache, behavioral problems, learning disability, medical aspects of traumatic brain injury(TBI), metabolic disorder, neuromuscular disorder, neurogenetic disorder etc.
He deals with all the neurological problems from newborn period till children of 18yrs of age.

Working Experience
The value of Experience is not seeing much, But in seeing Wisely
- Worked as Assistant Professor/Speciality Medical Officer(SMO) in Topiwala National Medical College(TNMC) & Nair Hospital, Mumbai.
- Worked in Pediatric cardiac ICU as Speciality Registrar in Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai.
- Worked as Senior Resident(SR) in department of Pediatrics in NEIGRIHMS, Shillong ,Meghalaya.
- Worked as Pediatric Neurology Fellow, Department of Paediatric Neurology, Amrita Institute of medical sciences, Kochi,Kerala.

Paper Presented
“Growth Hormone deficiency: Clinical, hormonal and radiological profile & response to therapy in children”. Submitted as a dissertation topic for the degree of MD Pediatrics.
- “46XY Sex-Reversal with adrenal insufficiency”, presented in PEDICON 2013 conducted by Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
- “Vaccine derived paralytic polio in 9 month infant”, presented in PEDICON 2014 conducted by Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
- “Pyrexia of Unknown Origin: Brucellosis”, presented in Infectious Disease conference.
- “MRI as useful tool for metabolic disorder” presented in Kerala association of Neurology(KAN) midterm meet.
- “Neurological & EEG findings in Angelman Syndrome: Tale of 26 children” presented in International Child Neurology Conference(ICNC), Mumbai.
- “Neurological & EEG findings in Angelman Syndrome: Tale of 26 children” presented in International Neurology Update, Kochi.

Better Information, Better Health
We are seeking the help of digital media to reach out to family having children with neurological illness
SRTR Medical College, Ambajogai, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik.
MD Pediatrics
Seth G.S.Medical College and Bai Jerbai Wadia Children Hospital,Mumbai.
Diplomate of National Board Pediatrics.
Fellowship in Pediatric Neurology
FIPN at Amrita institute of Medical Sciences(AIMS),Kochi, Kerala.
Our Mission
Pediatric neurology is an emerging superspecialty. There is lack of awareness among the people about this new specialty. We are marching forward with the mission to create awareness among the local public and also among the healthcareworkers. The ultimate motto is to deliver quality neurological service to the needy child.
Our Planing
We are seeking the help of digital media to reach out to family having children with neurological illness. We have created awareness videos about the common neurological disorders. We will be writing blogs frequently on the neurological illness.
Our Vision
Our vision is to establish pediatric neurology as specialty in North Bengal to serve all child with neurological illness. We want to develop a multidisciplinary team serving under one roof to take care of children suffering from neurological disorder.