What is autism?
Autism is neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts how a child perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. The term “spectrum” in autism spectrum disorder refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity on case to case basis.
What is the cause for autism?
Autism has no single known cause. The cause can be multifactorial, however both genetics and environment may play a role.
There are known genetic syndromes that commonly has autism as one of the features eg: Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, Rett syndrome etc.
Hence expert opinion from pediatric neurologist is alwez advised to identify these genetic syndromes.

When to take expert advice when u suspect autism?
Never hesitate to take expert advice if your child has one or more of following symptoms:
- Doesn’t respond with a smile by 6 months
- No eye contact or impersistant eye contact by 4-6months
- Doesn’t mimic sounds or facial expressions by 9 months
- Not speaking single syllable by 12 months
- No gesture, such as point or wave, by 14 months
- No pretend play or imaginative play by 18 months
- Doesn’t say two-word phrases by 24 months
- Loses language skills or social skills at any age
- Prefers to play alone
- No social interaction and poor communication skill
- Has repetitive behavior and fixed interest
How is autism treated?
It’s a multidisciplinary team consisting of pediatric neurologist, developmental pediatrician, clinical psychologist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, special educator etc who treats the child with autism.
Does autism last for lifetime? Does it mean mental retardation?
Autism is spectrum disorder. Means the symptom severity varies in each child. It doesn’t mean mental retardation. However the IQ or intelligence varies from low, moderate to high in each children.
Early, well focused intervention can help improve the communication and build up the living skills. Depending on the child’s skill profile and the appropriate therapy ,they can lead independent life.
P.S: Do not hesitate to ask your enquiries through phone call or Whatsapp.