Case 1
Case 1
13yrs old boy was brought with walking difficulty and speech output reduction since 2 months. He had right hemisdystonia and minimal right hemiparesis….

Case 2
Case 2
8months old baby was brought with features of regression of learnt milestones with seizures. His MRI brain showed bilateral symmetrical lesion over….

Case 3
Case 3
5years old boy with normal development history came with features of altered sensorium and frequent seizures. He went into status epilepticus requiring…

Case 4
Case 4
18months old boy with previous normal development was brought with features of progressive difficulty in walking since 2 weeks….

Case 5
Case 5
4year old boy was brought with history of fever since 2 days followed by altered sensorium and multiple episodes of seizure.MRI brain and CSF study….

Case 6
Case 6
8months old baby with normal birth history was brought with features of multiple congenital anomalies with normal development history. The baby had….