What is Pediatric Neurology?
Pediatric neurology is an emerging pediatric superspeciality which deals with disorders of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles in neonates and children. With a pediatric population constituting nearly 40% of 1300 million people of India, there is huge demand for this specialty. However, there is lack of awareness among the common people about this superspeciality.
Who is Pediatric Neurologist?
Pediatric neurologist is a pediatrician who has taken special training(2-3yrs after MD Pediatrics) to deal with neurological problems of newborn and children. He deals with seizures, headaches, developmental issues, autism, genetic and metabolic problems etc.

When to take child neurologist opinion?
In following situation it is advisable to see a pediatric neurologist.
- “Seizures/ convulsions” or “fits”.
- Delay in developmental milestones (eg delayed sitting & walking, delayed speech).
- Frequent headaches
- Weakness of hands, legs and floppy (loose) child
- Poor school performance and hyperactive child
- Child with poor eye contact, poor communication skills, delayed speech (child may have autism)
- Learning difficulty at school, poor attention span
- Child with sudden altered behaviour and sensorium
- Sudden onset walking, speaking or seeing difficulty
- Sudden change in behavior, or in balance or coordination
- Premature babies for neurodevelopmental assessment
What types of Service do child neurologists provide?
Child neurologist evaluate ,diagnose and treat the neurological problem from newborn till 18yrs of age. He provides the services like Electroencephalogram(EEG), Nerve conduction studies(NCV), Electromyography(EMG), hearing test (BERA) etc
What types of tests do a child neurologists order?
Neurologist may advise MRI brain and spine, Electroencephelogram (EEG), Lumbar puncture(LP), blood tests including genetic studies etc on case to case basis.
P.S: Do not hesitate to ask your enquirers through phone call or Whatsapp.